Saturday, June 23, 2012

Life is too SHORT!!!

One of the worst things that could have happened to a good friend of mine happened last night. My friend Mollie and her girlfriend Kristene were out in Portland at a park and were gunned down. Unfortunately, my friend Mollie lost her life during these events. She was so young and full of life, only 19 years old, she was a girl I met in my English class last semester. She was sarcastic and full of spunk and we fought like cats and dogs. We worked on papers together and and created a video about Oscar Wilde that I am very proud of. This was an even more striking blow because early into the semester I found out that I actually knew her father. Mario and I had taken a class together the spring semester before, we are both History majors and hated our math class. I want to say that I am so so so sorry about the loss that he has felt. I lost my grandmother a year ago and I know how hard this can be. I want to say that I love and cherished your daughter as a close friend, I know it was one of the hardest things for her to come out to you only a couple of months ago but the fact that you accepted her so easily and readily so how compassionate and understanding you are. This is a hard time for everyone who knew her and I want to say that this will not be easier anytime soon.
Much love and prayer to the family because I know I will miss her greatly! --> This is the video that we made Mollie's voice is at the very end talking about Oscar Wilde's influence on society today.

Please keep Mollie and her family in your prayers. I may not be a very religious person but i will be praying every second to making sure that they catch that son of a bitch who killed my friend and hurt her girlfriend.

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