Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Real or Fake!

Whether this is really or fake I stand behind my love of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson! Even though I don't know what exactly to believe, although I want to desperately believe that scum bag magazine writers and photographers are lying. I want everyone to be able to make up their own mind and make their own decisions. This is a difficult time and in this age it has become a dog-eat-dog world in which magazines will do anything and create any kind of story to get magazines off the shelf! Its ridiculous and despicable! I hope that everyone out there makes an informed decision on whether or not it actually happened. But even if it did, KStew is young (22) and still has a lot to learn about life, many of us who made mistakes at that age are lucky enough to not have supposed pictures plastered all over the internet and magazines. So believe what you will, but I'm going to take what magazines say about this with a grain of salt! Robsten love FOREVER!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012